Le ticket à gratter du Summerfest vient de débarquer sur la boutique en quantité limitée !Click here ↗


Read the latest changelogs.

📋 Changelog du August 28 2024


Patchnote of 25/08


  • The new player label in /f f is now set to 48 hours, in accordance with the previous decision of the admin meeting.
  • It is no longer possible to request an absence less than 48 hours before it starts.
  • Countries in raid mode appear at the top of /f list during the raid period.
  • The /warzone command is no longer available on the moon, Mars, and Edora.
  • Creeper altar damage is back (damage to players).
  • The "Top 10 warzone" condition for R&D is fixed.


  • Fixed the loot from the ice ore, which was not dropping the correct loot.
  • Removed the double loot from the lumberjack skill on Westeros wood.


  • Repair machines no longer consume electricity in the void when the item is repaired.
  • Success rate is back in the nuclear forge.

Le ticket à gratter du Summerfest vient de débarquer sur la boutique en quantité limitée !

Click here
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