Le ticket à gratter du Summerfest vient de débarquer sur la boutique en quantité limitée !Click here ↗


Read the latest changelogs.

📋 Changelog du September 09 2024


Patchnote for September 9, 2024

New Codex Optimizations 🏛 -

Soon, it will be impossible to enter protected regions while in combat.
The goal is to remove the back safezone rule.

⚠️ Warning: Give your staff time to implement this before it's fully operational.

Removal of the ability to grow GMOs in the wilderness.
The goal is to eliminate the rule prohibiting the exploitation of oil, gas, and GMOs in the wilderness.

General 🛩 -

  • The /back command no longer extends its cooldown when executed during its cooldown period.

Le ticket à gratter du Summerfest vient de débarquer sur la boutique en quantité limitée !

Click here
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