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OFP Alliance

Posted by Fabomega1 the January 29 2024 23:10 , modified on February 23 2024 23:53 by bocqueraz
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Un gars cool !
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OFP (Organisation For the Peace)

Welcome to the OFP (Organization For the Peace) article. This alliance aims to promote peace in the world of the Ruby server. In this article, you will find a brief explanation of the alliance, the alliance's regulations, the countries participating in the alliance, consequences for violating these rules, and the countries involved in the alliance.

The OFP (Organization For the Peace) aims to establish peace in the vast world of the Ruby server. The goal is not to prevent all wars but to ensure that they are fair wars rather than wars driven by personal desires for destruction. To achieve this, the OFP aims to bring together as many countries as possible to form an alliance not only for peace but also as a military alliance. In the event that a country in the alliance is at war, not initiated by that country, ALL other countries must come to its aid. The larger the alliance, the greater the peace.

For the OFP, a loyal and valid reason for war must meet the following criteria:

  • The war must not be in the interest of the country. (After a vote, it is possible that one of the countries is guilty of the war, which falls under cases of attempted expansion. For this, the administrative management team of the OFP must agree before proceeding to a vote.)
  • When the motives are real and the reasons are valid. (Attack on a country outside the alliance)
  • The war must be conducted to ensure the future of the country. Below is the CDDP (Constitution of the Rights and Duties of Countries in the OFP).

Article 1: Wars

  1. No country in the alliance should wage war against each other; the country declaring war will be expelled (listed on the leader's and officers' blacklist).
  2. Without loyal and valid reasons for war, a country is prohibited from engaging in war. If a country in the alliance goes to war against this rule, the country will be immediately expelled from the alliance (listed on the leader's and officers' blacklist).
  3. In case a member of a country gives a war reason to another country in the alliance, the player will be added to the blacklist (if war breaks out, the OFP will support the country).

Article 2: Alliances

  1. All countries in the alliance must be in-game alliances.
  2. If a country accepts or requests an alliance with a country outside the OFP, three options are given: integration into the alliance of the country, termination of this alliance, expulsion of the country from the OFP.

Article 3: Betrayals

  1. It is strictly forbidden to betray a country in the alliance or betray the entire alliance. All measures are in place to prevent this, but in case it happens, the person responsible will be blacklisted from the alliance, and a fine of $15k will be imposed. ($5k to the UN, $5k to the alliance bank, $5k to the concerned country) If it is an entire country that is behind the acts, then the $15k fine will be imposed. The leader, all officers will be blacklisted from the OFP, and the alliance will declare war on that country.

Article 4: Tax

  1. Each country must contribute $50 to the Papuan bank per week; this will be retained for the purchase of military, agricultural, or spatial equipment. Trusted countries can use agricultural or spatial materials based on a vote among the OFP administration. Military equipment will be retained by the OFP in case of war; some materials will be used as a last resort (T4 / T5 missiles).
  2. It is also possible to make donations for the benefit of the alliance.

Article 5: Blacklist

  1. The blacklist lists all individuals who are prohibited from joining the alliance or a country in the alliance.
  2. Blacklisted members can be forgiven depending on the severity of their actions (At the time of entering a person into the blacklist, 3 levels can be set (Level 1: Minor acts / Level 2: Significant acts / Level 3: Serious acts) Level 1 blacklisted individuals can leave the blacklist after 2 months and a fine based on the act (ranging from $1k to $10k). Level 2 blacklisted individuals can more difficultly leave the blacklist (at least after 6 months and a fine based on the act ranging from $15k to $50k.) Level 3 blacklisted individuals cannot leave the blacklist; they are integrated into the blacklist forever.

The CDDP is subject to change after a democratic vote to change or add laws. Depending on the result of the vote, all countries must accept the final decision (The final decision is equal to the vote result) under the threat of expulsion from the country.

Players in the blacklist:

Contries in the alliances : 

- Papua

Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you again in the OFP.

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La vie tiens qu'à un fil.

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Un gars cool !
Ψ Former player Ψ

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February 12 2021

Posted messages : 40

Posted on January 29 2024 23:11

Pending staff approval, please accept, Madam/Sir, the expression of my respectful sentiments.

Profitez de la vie,

Profitez de votre famille,

La vie tiens qu'à un fil.

Autant bien s'en servir

à méditer

Ce message de Fabomega1 a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Sur le Lime… and Ruby!
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Posted on January 30 2024 22:39


Treaties must be posted by an op to be accepted.



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Ce message de bocqueraz a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Un gars cool !
Ψ Former player Ψ

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February 12 2021

Posted messages : 40

Posted on January 31 2024 01:16

Good evening, I understand that an OP (Original Poster) needs to accept before I can post this treaty, but I posted it precisely for an OP to accept. Otherwise, how do I apply?

Profitez de la vie,

Profitez de votre famille,

La vie tiens qu'à un fil.

Autant bien s'en servir

à méditer

Ce message de Fabomega1 a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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