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⚖️ Lawsuit n°438 - usebug by Tiger666 to save his stuff on PapiFrancais ⚖️

Posted by PapiFrancais the June 29 2024 13:18 , modified on July 05 2024 16:44 by GeF_Andrei784
In process ♻️


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August 28 2021

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Criminal, country and /f f : altai

Victim, country and /f f : dominicanrepublic mceclip1-90b02b3197.png

Reason :use bug
Your proofs (horodated) and explication :he used bug to get out of the house and save his stuff because otherwise he would have died I request a refund of the stuff (st boots st helmet  ice leggings chestplate desh leggings desh demo and hermes)
If it is possible i would like to get a log request of his stuff because he would've died with all his stuff and not only the stuff that he had on him

the stuff with my pack:

ice leggings mceclip2-8262252aae.png
helmet solidetech
boots solidtech

the stuff 

mceclip5-958ed61aef.pngand the demonics sword 

from 0:00s at 0:20s the stuff and from 2:38 the use bug at 1:30
I dropped my Hermes and it was recovered



Ψ Former player Ψ

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August 28 2021

Posted messages : 34

Posted on June 29 2024 14:07

If it is possible i would like to get a log request of his stuff because he would've died with all his stuff and not only the stuff that he had on him

Ce message de PapiFrancais a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



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August 28 2021

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Posted on July 02 2024 14:05

@lol_wowfe news ?

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Team member
Modérateur Ruby

Registered since :
September 15 2022

Posted messages : 68

Posted on July 04 2024 02:58

Your lawsuit is on hold for the following reason : Some elements are missing: The reason isn't correct. The reason that you put is UseBug and the true reason is UseBug +save his sttuf. Also, the criminal and victime isn't named.
You have to give the missing elements within the next 48h or the lawsuit will be refused.


@Lynxou, Spokesperson of the UN and Ruby Staff.

(supervised by @GeF_andrei784)

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August 28 2021

Posted messages : 34

Posted on July 04 2024 11:53 , modified on July 04 2024 12:25

Criminal, country and /f f : Tiger666   altai

Victim, country and /f f :PapiFrancais dominicanrepublic mceclip1-90b02b3197.png

Reason :use bug to save his stuff
Your proofs (horodated) and explication :he used bug to get out of the house and save his stuff because otherwise he would have died I request a refund of the stuff (st boots st helmet  ice leggings chestplate desh leggings desh demo and hermes)
If it is possible i would like to get a log request of his stuff because he would've died with all his stuff and not only the stuff that he had on him

the stuff with my pack:

ice leggings mceclip2-8262252aae.png
helmet solidetech
boots solidtech

the stuff 

mceclip5-958ed61aef.pngand the demonics sword 

from 0:00s at 0:20s the stuff and from
2:38 the use bug to save his stuff
2:11 you can see in the chat his username because he tried to hit me 
at 1:30
I dropped my Hermes and it was recovered


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August 28 2021

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Posted on July 04 2024 11:55


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November 30 2020

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Posted on July 05 2024 12:41

as you can see there is usebug assault in me kb blunder to tag me combat it is strictly prohibited on the interserver rules
the same of confinement in combat moreover on the video you see clearly that I do not pearl I try I do not say the opposite but when we kb blunder someone in a door we can pass between so you can also check in the logs that I I launched a pearl and the pearl never loaded so I had to go out before but since the server lags the pearl did not load so you can look at the logs of my pearl and see that my pearl did not load @lol_wowfe @Skeppy

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Blue for ever
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Super Modérateur Ruby
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Posted on July 05 2024 15:51

Hello, after looking at the logs it is not possible to tell the rest of the stuff that Tuger666 had on him during this assault.

lol_wowfe avocat blue

 Modérateur Blue :11 mars 2023 au 19 juin 2023

Avocat Blue :19 mars 2023 au ???


Ce message de lol_wowfe a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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