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LawSuit #425 Illegal claiming (Oman)

Posted by iTz_berserk the May 07 2024 14:28 , modified on July 01 2024 14:26 by clemenceV2
Complaint processed 👨⚖️⚖️


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Posted messages : 23

Criminal : Oman(@Hazan9111)

Victim: UN

Reason: Illegal claiming



Thanks for reading, 



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Posted messages : 22

Posted on May 07 2024 18:45 , modified on May 08 2024 15:28

Your lawsuit is on hold for the following reason : The criminal has 7 days to modify the illegal claims.


@RM09, Spokesperson of the UN and Ruby Staff.

 Mon Parcours NG


Helper 03/18/2024 ➜ 03/31/2024
ModTest 03/31/2024 ➜04/07/2024
Mod 04/07/2024 ➜05/19/2024
Mod+ 05/19/2024 ➜???

Ce message de RM09 a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



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Modérateur Ruby
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April 15 2022

Posted messages : 22

Posted on May 16 2024 16:58


According to the Codex and the Ruby's Internal Rules, this lawsuit is officially accepted.
The criminal @Hazan9111 has done the following illegal act : Illegal Claims

Rule Reference: Codex: 4.11.1 ♦ It is forbidden to disassociate a claim from its country. OR Codex: 4.11.4 ♦ Claim lines less than 3 claims thick are prohibited on land and sea.

@Hazan9111, from Oman, has to pay a fine of 500.
The fine will be shared : 100 % to the UN.

(/econ bank deposit UN 500)
Do not forget to screen to have a proof.

The fine has to be paid by the criminal within the 7 days delay (with a screen timestamped with the double F2 underneath this lawsuit), up to 05/23/2024. After this delay, the UN representors will double and take by force the fine.

The criminal has a 3 days delay to do a court of appeal, if he/she disagrees with the verdict given by the UN spokesperson. After this delay, the court of appeal will be automaticly refused.


@RM09, Spokesperson of the UN and Ruby Staff.

 Mon Parcours NG


Helper 03/18/2024 ➜ 03/31/2024
ModTest 03/31/2024 ➜04/07/2024
Mod 04/07/2024 ➜05/19/2024
Mod+ 05/19/2024 ➜???

Ce message de RM09 a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Team member
Super Modérateur Ruby

Registered since :
September 16 2022

Posted messages : 123

Posted on July 01 2024 14:25


The Stuff was double it and taken by Force !


@clemenceV2, Spokesperson of the UN and Ruby Staff.

Ce message de clemenceV2 a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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