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Application for moderator - Fabomega1 - The come back

Posted by Fabomega1 the June 30 2024 20:43 , modified on July 01 2024 18:37 by bocqueraz
In process ♻️


you must always aim for the moon, because if you fail, you will fall among the stars !
Ψ Former player Ψ

Registered since :
February 12 2021

Posted messages : 44

1.0) Pseudo IG --> My pseudo is Fabomega1

2.0) Age --> I have fifteen years old

3.0) Age on NationsGlory --> I'm on NationsGlory since February 2021

4.0) Have you ever been in a NationsGlory's staff --> I have already been guide for three week, and moderator test for two week, in the Ruby server

4.1) If yes, please precise your unrank / leaving reason --> I leaving the staff because i had to work next to my school, so i cannot stay in the staff

5.0) Have you ever been banned from a NationsGlory server ? --> No

6.0) 4 good points --> I'm a good person attentive on the player's project. I like to work for the good game, for all the player. When i do a thing, i'm determinate to finish what i started. I'm a serious person.

6.1) 4 weak points --> I have a problem for keep my cold blood. I have a problem for keep my language. I'm the type to make too many jokes. I'm slow when i have to do a task who i don't like

6.2) Do you speak english?  --> Yes, but i'm better at the write, i have a problem with my accent, and i have a little problem for understand the person who is english native

7.0) Your motivation --> I'm very determinate to do my come back in the staff, because the little period, that i do in the staff, have been for me a good period, and i very would like relive this experiance. I have meet a lot of good person and i want share a new moment with them. Otherwise, i like follow the advencement to the player, and discover their motivation to become the best. 

8.0) Your timetable --> In the holiday, i'm available all the time when i don't work, and for the school period, i'm avaible the evening and the weekend

9.0) Your punisher --> mceclip0-e6762d7477.png

- Ancient Ruby staff 

- Since February 2021

- Good person


Un grand homme a dit "Le succès ne s'explique pas. L'échec ne s'excuse pas."
Team member
Ψ Former player Ψ

Registered since :
May 24 2022

Posted messages : 91

Posted on June 30 2024 20:46 , modified on June 30 2024 20:46
he's a good person they're nice funny likes groups I think he would 
make a good moderator

ancien guide sur le serveur orange 

Ce message de galaxy_atom87 a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Team member
Modérateur Orange

Registered since :
August 22 2022

Posted messages : 27

Posted on June 30 2024 20:50

good player who is not toxic, i'm for his enter in the staff moderation

C'est quand le moustique se posa sur mes couilles que je compris que la violence n'était pas toujours la solution.

Ce message de Mawawampa a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Team member
Modérateur Ruby

Registered since :
May 27 2024

Posted messages : 11

Posted on June 30 2024 20:52

There's small orthograph problem but i'am for his entry!

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you must always aim for the moon, because if you fail, you will fall among the stars !
Ψ Former player Ψ

Registered since :
February 12 2021

Posted messages : 44

Posted on June 30 2024 21:07

Thanks for all you return

- Fabomega1

- Ancient Ruby staff 

- Since February 2021

- Good person

Ce message de Fabomega1 a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Sur le Lime… and Ruby!
Team member
Administrateur Ruby
Ψ Former player Ψ

Registered since :
May 23 2020

Posted messages : 687

Posted on July 01 2024 18:36


Your application is accepted. Please contact me on discord or go directly in vocal on discord, so that we can do your interview.



" Parcours Francais


Joueur (Player): Depuis le 23/05/2020 -->  10/11/2021

Guide (Helper) : Depuis le 10/11/2021 --> 05/02/2022

Modo Test (Moderator in training): Depuis le 05/02/2022 --> 19/02/2022 

Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 19/02/2022 --> 13/05/2022 


Joueur: Depuis le 16/04/2021 --> 18/08/2021


Joueur: Depuis le 23/05/2020 --> 18/07/2020


SuperModérateur Interim (Interim SuperModerator) : Depuis le 04/10/2023 --> 21/02/2024


" English Journey


Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 05/13/2022 --> 05/28/2022

Modérateur Plus (Moderator Plus) : Depuis le 05/28/2022 --> 06/21/2022

SuperModérateur (SuperModerator) : Depuis le 06/21/2022 --> 03/10/2024

Administrateur (Administrator) : Depuis le 03/10/2024 --> inconnu (unknown)

Journaliste (Journalist) : Depuis le 04/06/2022 --> 06/21/2022


Ce message de bocqueraz a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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