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Introducing the server, discovering the game mode and previewing the modpack.


NationsGlory is a Semi-RP modded server pioneering the 'Earth' type since 2013, today consisting of 13 Java servers and 5 Bedrock servers, in French and English.

The aim of the game is to create/join a country and make it evolve. You have to build it, recruit players, wage wars against other countries, conquer Earth, the Moon and even Mars!

Thank you for joining us, it's time to start our adventure!

World map

The world is a reconstitution of the Earth, with all continents, countries, landforms, seas and oceans represented, and countries outlined on the ground with Bedrock.

The resources available vary from continent to continent, with some regions having more oil than others, while others are better suited to growing cereals.


More than 200 countries are present on the map, so when a player creates a country, he or she must choose it from among those available. Each country is independent and has its own architectural style, its own internal operating rules.

Interfaces let you set country parameters (permissions, ranks, members, flag) and manage all important aspects such as relationships, banking, wars and actions.

PvP, Assaults, Conquests

War is raging between the different countries, and PvP is at the heart of the server, so whether you're attacking or defending, you'll need to be ready to wield your weapons!

An automated assault system allows countries to face off against each other, and to win you have to capture areas, eliminate opponents or fire missiles at the opposing country.

By winning wars against other countries, a country can become an Empire and own several colonies, which will then be under its control and protection.

The server boasts dozens of new weapons and armors that you'll need to obtain to compete with the others.

Exclusive Modpack

The NationsGlory modpack has been in development since 2013, and contains several thousand new exclusive blocks, items and systems.

ICBM missiles

More than two dozen missiles are available, allowing you to defend your country as well as attack and destroy other countries. Damage ranges from a simple TNT hole to a nuclear explosion capable of wiping out an entire country, right down to the Bedrock.

Electrical machines

More than 50 machines are available, enabling you to generate energy, perform specific actions or earn money...


A host of firearms are available on the server, enabling you to attack other players from a distance and inflict heavy damage.

Building blocks

Over 2000 new blocks and decorative items are available on NationsGlory, allowing countries to diversify and be all different from each other. Most blocks can be crafted using the Chisel tool, while others are available in the catalog.

Food and Agriculture

Over 70 new seeds make it possible to grow all fruits and vegetables. Nearly 250 food recipes exist, some of them of great value.

Cultivation can be done by hand or with the help of a tractor on which various trailers can be hitched to cultivate entire countries.

Space Conquest

In addition to Earth, two other 'planets' are accessible: the moon and Mars, the latter containing rare resources.

To reach these planets, you need to use a craftable space rocket, which is one of the server's supreme objectives.


Trade plays a vital role on NationsGlory, helping you earn money or find resources you don't have.

Hôtel des ventes

The Auction House is accessible via the /hdv and allows players to sell items of all types and other players to buy them by performing a search, for example.

Take an item in your hand and press 'K' to place it on sale.


Bidding is similar to the auction house, except that it's not a direct purchase: the seller sets a starting price and a duration, then the other players bid progressively, with the last bidder winning the sale.

Barter between players

It's possible to trade between players with the /troc {pseudo} command, both items and money can be exchanged.


Several skills are available and accessible via the /skill or from the inventory.

A skill is a specialization in which you can progress to gain advantages.

For each skill, there's a list of actions that allow you to gain experience and unlock levels, synonymous with new advantages.

You need to combine most of your skills to achieve the server's >biggest objectives, in particular the engineers' construction of the space rocket.


Several types of company can be set up, each with its own speciality and mode of operation. A company can bring together several players, automate tasks and manage the company's accounts and results.

The types are many and varied: real estate, banking, pvp combat, construction, trading, etc.

Creating a company is free, you just have to do /e create you then have to recruit employees and find customers from other players or countries on the server.

Deviens dès aujourd'hui le dirigeant de demain ! L'avenir t'attends !

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