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Los_Gelato moderator

Posted by Los_Gelato the September 14 2024 01:28 , modified on September 14 2024 14:56
Waiting ⏳


Registered since :
August 01 2024

Posted messages : 1

1.0) Pseudo IG --> Los_Gelato

2.0) Age --> 12 years old
3.0) Age on NationsGlory --> i dont remember the date it was like in the midle of summer and 7 days

4.0) Have you ever been in a NationsGlory's staff --> never
4.1) If yes, please precise your unrank / leaving reason --> x

5.0) Have you ever been banned from a NationsGlory server ? --> No

5.1) From which server ? -->x  

5.2) For which reason ? --> x

6.0) 4 good points --> Communication Skills, Problem-Solving, Dedication, Fairness and Objectivity

6.1) 4 weak points --> Experience with Difficult Players, Time Management, Inexperience with Specific Tools, Handling Large-Scale Conflicts, Occasionally Overexplaining

6.2) Do you speak english?  -->yes  
7.0) Your motivation --> Becoming a moderator on NationGlory is an exciting opportunity for me. It would allow me to actively contribute to the community by ensuring rules are followed and the gaming environment remains enjoyable. I'm driven by the desire to promote a positive and fair gaming experience for each player by intervening in issues and helping to maintain order. As a moderator, I would also be able to assist in organizing events and projects that strengthen community cohesion. My commitment and passion for NationGlory motivate me to take a more significant role and support the platform’s development. I am confident that my communication skills and deep knowledge of the game would be valuable assets for the role.

8.0) Your timetable -->shcool time 6 am to 7h30 am,4 pm to 9pm/holidays everytime 

9.0) Your punisher --> 



Team member
Modérateur Ruby

Registered since :
September 04 2024

Posted messages : 2

Posted on September 14 2024 11:04 , modified on September 14 2024 11:05

Good Point 

- Good Quality

- Punisher

Bad Point

- Young

- Could improve for the english.


I will see you more a Guide but if you get choosed has a Moderator I wouldn't dislike that.

Ce message de Verdun a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Un modo pas comme les autres
Team member
Modérateur Ruby

Registered since :
June 27 2024

Posted messages : 15

Posted on September 14 2024 12:39

I'm 1000% for, very mature, trusted, nice boy 

Still don't know how, but mod since 9/07/2024

Ce message de ToniqueTony a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



⚔ Former Ruby SuperModerator ⚔

Registered since :
August 12 2024

Posted messages : 2

Posted on September 17 2024 18:22

Thanks ChatGPT I guess

Ce message de GaussIntegral a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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