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⚖️ Lawsuit n°447 - Anti-game by Matissetre on ToniqueTony ⚖️

Posted by ToniqueTony the September 11 2024 14:56 , modified on September 11 2024 16:41 by GeF_Andrei784
Waiting ⏳ Anti-Game 👁


Un modo pas comme les autres
Team member
Modérateur Ruby

Registered since :
June 27 2024

Posted messages : 15

Criminal, country and /f f : @Matissetre, Wilderness


Victim, country and /f f : @ToniqueTony, leader of SpaatzLand


Reason : Anti-game, disband a country to avoid a war

Your proofs (horodated) and explication : 




During the day, Matissetre disbanded his country to avoid the war against SpaatzLand. It just stopped the war after the first assault, and made us lose money and power in the same time.

Still don't know how, but mod since 9/07/2024

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