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Guide Candidature

Posted by ToniqueTony the July 01 2024 11:55 , modified on July 09 2024 15:19 by bocqueraz
Accepted ✔️


Un modo pas comme les autres
Team member
Modérateur Ruby

Registered since :
June 27 2024

Posted messages : 15

1.0) Pseudo IG --> ToniqueTony

2.0) Age --> I'm 16

3.0) Age on NationsGlory --> I arrived in nationsglory in 2020 with another account, and I have in total 1 mounth of playing the game

4.0) Have you ever been in a NationsGlory's staff --> /

4.1) If yes, please precise your unrank / leaving reason --> /

5.0) Have you ever been banned from a NationsGlory server ? --> Yes, with my first account

5.1) From which server ? --> Lime

5.2) For which reason ? --> It was 2 years ago the last one, because i decided to use a cheat in an event (not very smart...), and I had been banned before because I griefed (don't remember what exactly I did, it's almost 3 years ago)

6.0) 4 good points -->

-I'm active, I play often the game and I like it

-I changed a lot since the bad period, and now I think I'm mature

-I know very well the game, because of my experience in other servers

-I know several languages, and it could be helpful for example if I have to answer in discord or in vocal

6.1) 4 weak points -->

-My anciant punishments, the reasons are very bad

-Sometimes I have some problems to understand people, even if I never argue with someone, people could just not understand me in several subjects

-I really don't like what we call "black humor", like it really doesn't make me laugh, even if it's funny for people, I hate it

-Sometimes too nice, and it happen that people take adventage because of this

6.2) Do you speak english?  --> Yes

7.0) Your motivation --> What I really want if I join guides team is to just help people, I think I can be useful for people, I already answer when I see someone in the chat who needs help, but it could happen that I don't see everything, so it could be very helpful for everyone, players will just have to check in the tab, and like that, they could find me and directly ask. As a guide, I really would like to just help people, and this rank could make me a reference to people. Furthermore, it would be my first experience as a staff of nationsglory, and it could be an interesting experience for me, to understand how the staff really works, even if I won't have any permissions ahah. My main motivation is to be helpful to the server, and to help people, because I remember that when I started, there were much people to help me as guides, and sometimes when I join the game, I don't find any guides, so I think it could be helpful to have in the server one more guide. 

8.0) Your timetable --> 

-During school period: I'm free from 18-19, and since 22-23 monday/tuesday/thursday/friday, 13-22 wednesday, and the week end 10-23

-During holidays: From 10 to 23 too

9.0) Your punisher -->


I precise that I had much punishments in my anciant account, but it's been 2, and almost 3 years ago for the last one

Still don't know how, but mod since 9/07/2024


Sur le Lime… and Ruby!
Team member
Administrateur Ruby
Ψ Former player Ψ

Registered since :
May 23 2020

Posted messages : 727

Posted on July 01 2024 17:41


Your application is accepted. Please contact me on discord or go directly in vocal on discord, so that we can do your interview.



" Parcours Francais


Joueur (Player): Depuis le 23/05/2020 -->  10/11/2021

Guide (Helper) : Depuis le 10/11/2021 --> 05/02/2022

Modo Test (Moderator in training): Depuis le 05/02/2022 --> 19/02/2022 

Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 19/02/2022 --> 13/05/2022 (Transfer to the Ruby)


SuperModérateur Interim (Interim SuperModerator) : Depuis le 04/10/2023 --> 21/02/2024


" English Journey


Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 05/13/2022 (Transfert du Lime) --> 05/28/2022

Modérateur Plus (Moderator Plus) : Depuis le 05/28/2022 --> 06/21/2022

SuperModérateur (SuperModerator) : Depuis le 06/21/2022 --> 03/10/2024

Administrateur (Administrator) : Depuis le 03/10/2024 --> inconnu (unknown)

Journaliste (Journalist) : Depuis le 04/06/2022 --> 06/21/2022


Ce message de bocqueraz a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Sur le Lime… and Ruby!
Team member
Administrateur Ruby
Ψ Former player Ψ

Registered since :
May 23 2020

Posted messages : 727

Posted on July 09 2024 15:19


Your application is accepted. Welcome in the staff!



" Parcours Francais


Joueur (Player): Depuis le 23/05/2020 -->  10/11/2021

Guide (Helper) : Depuis le 10/11/2021 --> 05/02/2022

Modo Test (Moderator in training): Depuis le 05/02/2022 --> 19/02/2022 

Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 19/02/2022 --> 13/05/2022 (Transfer to the Ruby)


SuperModérateur Interim (Interim SuperModerator) : Depuis le 04/10/2023 --> 21/02/2024


" English Journey


Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 05/13/2022 (Transfert du Lime) --> 05/28/2022

Modérateur Plus (Moderator Plus) : Depuis le 05/28/2022 --> 06/21/2022

SuperModérateur (SuperModerator) : Depuis le 06/21/2022 --> 03/10/2024

Administrateur (Administrator) : Depuis le 03/10/2024 --> inconnu (unknown)

Journaliste (Journalist) : Depuis le 04/06/2022 --> 06/21/2022


Ce message de bocqueraz a été supprimé par the December 31 1969 16:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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