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Couverture Echoes of War Update

Echoes of War Update

Posted by Tymothi’s headTymothi the September 15 2024



The time for battle has come! The Echoes of the War update brings significant changes:
a revamp of assaults, and new warzones.



| Warzone Rework


The Warzones have been merged into a single map, accessible only through the dedicated interface. To leave a Warzone, you must remain still for 5 seconds by pressing the space bar (Java version). Supply drops and the on-screen display have been improved, and lags have been reduced.



| War Rework


War Recurrence

With each new war against the same country, the conditions become more difficult, but the rewards increase.

Other Changes

- The EMP missile now drains electricity, gas, and oil tanks in the explosion area and reduces the durability of machines to 0.
- You can now automatically expel recruits from countries that cause a war.
- You now have the /screeninv <player> command, which allows you to save a player's inventory for complaint purposes.



| Assault Rework


Assaults have been redesigned to be more dynamic. They only take place in the attacked country and are divided into phases of PvP and zone and strategic supply drop captures.



Here’s the flow after a 2-minute preparation phase:

  1. Neutral PvP phase (8 minutes): No zones or supply drops, each kill is worth 20 points.
  2. First capture zone (5 minutes): A supply drop appears after 1 minute.
  3. Neutral PvP phase (5 minutes): The zone disappears, no zone or supply drop in this phase.
  4. Second capture zone (5 minutes): A supply drop appears after 1 minute.
  5. Final capture zone (5 minutes): A supply drop appears after 1 minute.

It is now possible to counterattack during the 5 minutes following the end of an assault.


Assault Penalties

A penalty system is introduced if one side has significantly more players than the other:

If attackers outnumber defenders 2 to 1: No allied help, no missiles, cannot attack the supply drop, 10% reduced damage.
If defenders outnumber attackers 2 to 1:
No allied help, no missiles, no points for the supply drop, 10% reduced damage, removal of the damage reduction (R&D).

If this imbalance lasts for more than half of the assault with at least 8 participants, the advantaged country will suffer a 50% reduction in kills, missile points, and MMR in case of victory.

The duration of potions is also affected by the player difference between sides. For example, if one side has 10% more players, their potion duration will be reduced by 10%.


Other Changes

- Capturing a zone is done by outnumbering the enemy.
- The missile score is now equal to their cost in points.
- The health of supply drops depends on the difference in number between attackers and defenders, with a minimum of 4000 health points. During PvP phases, kills count double.
- A new assault recap screen has been added.
- It is no longer possible to give members permission to join assaults.



| Country Rentals 


After long months of waiting, this highly requested feature on our UserVoice is finally here! The new rental system is now available, although for now, it is limited to the Java version.

Thanks to the country interface, country leaders will be able to rent out plots, houses, and apartments to their nation's members. No more sign-based system! From now on, everything will go through this intuitive interface. It will be possible to buy or sell, manage land permissions, add roommates, and many other options. This new tool greatly simplifies property management!




| Other Minor Changes 


- To optimize your performance (TPS), the glow of enchanted armor is hidden when there are too many players in the same area.
- PvP companies have been removed.
- It is now impossible to shoot yourself with a bow.
- It is now possible to manage country bans.
- A new tutorial system has been added.




Last updated on September 17 2024 10:32

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